Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jam on Friday prayers..

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I fell asleep at 10pm and woke up at 10 am :D.. 12 hours of sleep which includes endless dreams. Seriously, dreams are much better than watching TV because, if you are aware that is a dream, you can take control of it.. I could pause, freeze time, or just wake up if want to... Anyways jam after Friday prayers are typical really, and only fools would actually drive around the mosque area after the prayers is over. This is my story of my Friday prayers..

This is before people start arrive at the mosque, see how clear the roads are.

More cars are parking on this side of the road, after I finished eating my lunch in the car.

After the prayers, see how the sudden surge of traffic caused this massive jam

Cars filled with guys trying to get back to the office.

Odd right, this was taken after prayers but there is no traffic here..

Back view of the same picture

In my car after prayers at the same location after prayers, traffic is piling up on that side but on my side traffic is clear. This due to most people who are stuck on that side are men who work around UPM and uses this mosque to go for their Friday prayers. Glad I am on this side of the road, it takes 10 minutes to drive back to my faculty on this side, but almost half an hour if I parked on that side.... thank god.. :D


Anonymous said...

Erm budlee, jam kat area masjid tuh dah kire adat laaa...

By the way, such a nice sembahyang jumaat, dh laaa muke manis...

Erm i ni kire silent reader blog u...every single thing yg u buat, kire i amik tahu tau...kelas...

Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

hi there! Thanx for visiting my blog. Hang takde program ngan awie ke hari ni? Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

hehe thanks for visiting my blog as well and yeah, adding pics to ur blog can brighten it up, if it's too wordy, not all people bother to read it :D as i said to all my students, keep it nice and simple :D cheers~!

Unknown said...

org plg ctk dlm dunia:
waaah (blushing profusely...) thanks

no prob chen, awie ari ni keje kat kedah, ada cabutan premium BSN, so there will be some lucky person driving a very expensive car. have a nice day to you to :D

hi rizal, thank you for commenting, your friend raRza gave me your link. yup nice and simple, but you forgotten original. people want to see something unique and different from their own daily life. :D

Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

Aik. I thought awie works with the government, according to his blog, not with bsn

maliksutanmuda said...

hi chen..mmg keje dengan government tp salah satu tugas aku ialah meng.... BSN...jadi jawatankuasa mengesahkan keputusan cabutan ajer...ok... :)

Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

hi AWIE! mai i bagi u nombor akaun bsn i. time nak cabut tu hang adjust2 ler skit!

haha. lawat jer.

jgn repot i kat BPR ya!