Saturday, May 31, 2008

Diet oh Diet....

I am participating in this study on how diet and exercise will be a powerful tool for loosing weight. Apparently walking 10,000 steps a day and reducing 500 calories a day will help you to loose at least 0.5 kg per week.

I think the best advise they gave me is how much is a serving. The white rice above is one serving. Basically like 3-4 table spoon of rice, or half a cup of rice. To measure it in a normal nasi senduk. One full senduk is about 2 servings.

This is about one serving of bihun. The researcher showed us that the one packet of Bi hun we buy at the stall is actually around 4 servings. :(. I mean if I really followed their advice I will be loosing weight soon. I am going to take it slowly and steady. Right now I have a good idea of how much rice, bubur, and bread is for one serving. According to the plan I am supposed to have 12 servings of grains each day. 12 servings sounds a lot, but its not really, well I don't think its that much anyway. Basically 12 servings of of grains is 2 pieces of bread, 2 senduk of rice, and 6 piece of plain crackers. I will keep postings what I eat each day, to show you how much exactly is a serving.


Inah said...

hehe..10000 steps per day..alaa..wit my sedentary lifestyle skrg ni..susah lew..tunggu kat adelaide nanti :)

Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

All the best with the diet plan, bud!

riken said...

wahh, good info bud... tak penah tahu pun sebelum nie...

maliksutanmuda said...

semoga berjaya...

Aziya said...

good luck budz....

ita.itu said...

aduh ciputnye...tahan ke ko dik..hehe