Monday, May 5, 2008

Where did everyone go

I came to the lab this morning with everyone in my lab are on leave or have meeting outside the campus. So I am all alone in the lab.

So big, so empty,so quiet. Its as if I came to the lab on Saturday. It kinda sucked, because my lab technologist holds most of the keys and our own "pantry" was in her locked office. I was a little woozy as a result because I did not get my morning blast of Tongkat Ali Cafe.. At least I get to do a bit more work by listing down all the things that need to be done. I have to get my self busy and immerse my self with my study, not only for the benefit of my research but to the benefit of my relationship. Busy vs not so busy is not a good combination in a relationship. Both must be equally busy or must do something to make them selves busy so that one will not bother/nag/"merengek" towards the other. I had to make little alarms and reminder in my phones so that I won't steer of course too much. I will be getting a sticker for my motorcycle, I just hate the beady stares of the guard when I ride my motorcycle into the campus. If I drive the old 190e or the Naza Ria, they don't even bat an eye lid.


Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

nice what, all alone with nobody to bug u! peace and quiet. or is it too peaceful and too quiet?

Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

Anita enjoys tagging people


akupunyahal said...

The best moment to be productive